Nutritious Breakfast Recipe: Quinoa Bowl With Egg and Avocado

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Handsome Brook Farm in partnership with the Mom It Forward Influencer Network. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

What did you have for breakfast today? What about yesterday? Was it a nutritious breakfast recipe? Or, did you just happen to grab a handful of cereal and a sip of cold coffee as you ran out the door to start your day? As a mom of two young kiddos and a husband who is already off to work by the time we get started on our day, mornings are up to me to get the kids and myself ready, fed, and out the door. Needless to say, breakfast can be a bit of a crunch time for the three of us.

From running around on errands to answering work emails to taking care of kids … we are all pulled in a million different directions day in and day out. From the moment the alarm or baby monitor makes a noise to the moment the head hits the pillow at night, days can be filled with so many activities, needs, wants, emotions, responsibilities, tasks, etc.

With the on-the-go, busy lifestyle, it can be easy to forget about ourselves. But, I also know that tuning into yourself has so many benefits. This year, I chose focus as my word of the year. I’ve never picked a “word of the year” but figured now is as good of a time as any to start.

This year, I’m going to focus on myself. Sounds selfish, right? Over the years (even before I became a mom), I developed bad habits. Well, the way I’m going to focus on myself is by saying goodbye to bad habits. The three bad habits that I have on my list are the following:

  • Not Working Out
  • Getting Very Little Sleep
  • Biting My Nails

As part of saying goodbye to my bad habit of not working out, I’ve put a big focus on my nutrition. If I’m going to be working out, then I should be focusing on what I’m eating. I need to keep my body fueled in order to perform, especially during my workouts.

I’ve always been a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As part of my breakfast routine, I’ve really put a strong focus on making my breakfast choices nutritious. I’ve been having fun enjoying a nutritious breakfast recipe in the mornings.

I always make it a point to have eggs in our refrigerator just in case I want to make a protein-packed breakfast recipe. Eggs are a great source of protein and beneficial vitamins and nutrients — but all eggs are not created equal. One of my favorite brands is Handsome Brook Farm Eggs. 

Handsome Brook Farm has built a revolutionary network of small family farms with smaller flocks – so they can ensure farmers get the fair wage they deserve and their hens have the space, attention and love they need to produce the best quality eggs.  

Handsome Brook Farm Eggs are pasture-raised organic eggs that come from organic-fed, pasture raised hens. The hens are given an all-natural diet and freedom to forage outdoors. This lifestyle gives Handsome Brook Farm eggs their trademark golden-orange yolk and rich, delicious flavor.  

It can be confusing to understand the different types of egg labeling—certified pasture raised eggs means the hens are raised on grassy pastures with room to roam free, forage, and get plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Studies show that these eggs are more nutritious than any other type of eggs.

In fact, pasture raised eggs, like Handsome Brook Farm eggs, can contain 2 times more Omega 3s, 38% more vitamin A and 23% vitamin E than conventionally raised eggs—making them a super nutritious option at any meal.

Handsome Brook Farm eggs are pasture raised and organic, which is not the case with all pasture raised eggs. Not to mention, you can definitely taste the difference between Handsome Brook and all other eggs. So, the next time you’re at the grocery store, be sure to give Handsome Brook Farm Eggs a try.


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