The other day, I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw somebody post something about tagging your best friend from elementary school. It got me thinking. All throughout my years of school, my friends have stayed, come and gone, and gone and come back. Friendship is interesting.
When I was in elementary school, it was all about being part of the “popular” group. In middle school, I felt like everyone in my school was just trying as hard as they could to avoid those awkward years while still trying to maintain a sense of dignity and self respect. High school hit and I felt like people kind of broke out into different groups based on interests, classes, and extracurricular activities. Me? I bounced around a lot. I really didn’t have a “clique.” From hanging out with the the artistic kids to spending time with the jocks to expanding my friend group by hanging out with friends outside of my graduating class … I really didn’t have a “group” and I loved being that way.
Then college hit. I was thrown onto a campus of 40,000+ students and left to find my way. Even though I knew a lot of people who decided to go to my school, I chose the “going blind” route as a roommate situation. At first, I was like, “What in the world was I thinking?” Fast forward years later and I’m so thankful that I chose that route. Having the freshman year roommate that I did led me to all sorts of rooming situations, friendships, and long-lasting memories.
And then graduation hit and we all went our separate ways. From coast to coast, my friends scattered as they continued to establish amazing lives, challenging jobs, and unforgettable memories. I scattered too as my then-boyfriend / now-husband and I moved to a different state.
Staying in touch with friends had me worried. Even with social media and text messaging, staying in touch can be difficult. I have some friends who aren’t even on social media (*gasp*, right?) and some friends who hate talking on the phone (me included). In this amazing, technologically advanced world, my route for staying in touch with friends is through text messages. What’s even better? Meeting up with friends in real life.
What I’ve learned over the years is that friendship can be tough, confusing, rewarding, unforgettable, lifetime lasting, and loving. “Life is better with friends,” especially those who make it seem like no time has passed since the last time you talked.
So, this is my challenge. Pick up the phone and text a friend who you haven’t talked to in a while. You’ll brighten both of your days.
To all of my friends … I love you to pieces.
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