Baking Muffins

Doughnut Muffins

I’m just going to come right out and say it…these muffins are delicious. I know, you’re probably thinking that I say that about a lot of the muffins that I bake. What can I say? I love muffins. I even love saying the word “muffin.” Call me crazy but it’s such a fun word to…

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Chocolate Chip Muffins

Whenever I’m in the mood to bake something that is quick and simple to prepare, I almost always turn to muffins. I love that they… require only a few dishes so cleanup is easy have countless flavor variations take a few minutes to prepare and less than 20 minutes to bake make the house smell…

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{Tips & Tricks} Baking Muffins

Let’s play a little guessing game…You usually see them (or smell them) as soon as you step into a coffee house, cafe, bakery…or my house. They are flavorful, hearty and come in a variety of different flavors. They tend to have a crisp top with a piping hot inside that is light and fluffy. They…

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