Chocolate Chip and Walnut Blondies Recipe

Peanut Butter and Pecan Blondies

I recently decided that blondies are my absolute favorite treat. They are chewy, flavorful and have delicious undertones of molasses due to the brown sugar. Plus, they’re just like cookies but bigger and in brownie form. What’s not to love about them? My husband is a huge fan of brownies (he’s quite the chocoholic) but…

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Chocolate Chip and Walnut Blondies

Snow shovels and salt are sold out everywhere, schools are closed for the rest of the week and grocery store shelves are picked clean of meat, milk, bread, fruit and vegetables–one question: why do people always buy the most perishable items? Snoverkill, snOMG, snowmageddon, snowpocalypse…call it what you will, the blizzard of 2010 hit Washington, D.C. hard…

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