With balancing a full-time work-at-home job while taking care of our son full-time at home and trying to find quality time with my husband, I was starting to feel a bit like I was losing myself in the mix. Who was I becoming? Why was I putting myself last on the list? When was I…
What’s Your Favorite Movie?
I’ve never really been a big movie watcher. I grew up in a family where we would rarely go to the theater or rent a movie. If, and when we did, it was a big deal. And then I married into a family that is all about movies. They can recite all sorts of movie…
Tips on Finding a Hobby
I’m a huge fan of having a hobby (or, in my case, many hobbies). When I was young, I played sports, took photographs, read, put together scrapbooks, played an instrument, worked on craft projects … the list goes on an on. Over the years, some hobbies have stayed, some hobbies have gone, some hobbies have…
The Importance of Having a Hobby
Between juggling family life and work life, life, as a whole, has a tendency to fly by. Waking up early, going to bed late, trying to squeeze in as many special moments with my family while trying to make sure my work emails are tended to … sometimes I find it difficult to breathe. Days…