simple recipes

Fruit Recipes for the Spring

Open our refrigerator and you’ll most likely find fruit carton after fruit carton. From blueberries to strawberries, blackberries to raspberries, we always need to make sure that we have a lot of fruit to keep our “fruit fly” happy. One of the great things about our son is that he’s not picky when it comes…

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Red, White, and Blue Dessert Recipes

Hello, long weekend. As we get ready to enjoy Memorial Day weekend by lighting up the grill, enjoying cocktails, spending time at the beach, relaxing on vacation, and spending time with the ones we love, please don’t forget to hang those American flags and wave them proudly. On Memorial Day, let us all celebrate, remember,…

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20 Simple Mother’s Day Recipes Mom Will Love

  Moms cook, clean, educate, love, hug, cuddle, work, console, listen, advise, sing, smile, cry, organize, schedule. Moms are busy. Moms are caregivers. Moms are everything. Their hugs are endless, their love is unconditional, their support is necessary, their understanding is incredible.  Moms get pulled in a million different directions. Moms feel exhausted. Moms want…

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10 Chocolate Dessert Recipes

You know how pregnant women usually crave something during their pregnancy? Well, I tried to watch every little morsel of food that I consumed throughout my pregnancy. But, there was one food that kept calling my name. Yes, it was chocolate. I never really liked chocolate before I was pregnant. I would eat it here…

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Simple Pickle Side Dishes

From appetizers to side dishes to condiments, there are so many ways to take a boring, plain menu and make it flavorful and memorable. With only a few ingredients and simple steps,  you can serve up an appetizer that will awaken the taste buds, a side dish that perfectly complements the main dish, and a main…

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6 Simple Cookie Recipes

I have a confession to make. Even though I’m not a huge fan of chocolate, I’ve become quite the cookie monster lately. Blame it on my love of baking. Blame it on my love to experiment with cookies. Blame it on my love to satisfy my husband’s cookie cravings. I keep finding myself perusing the…

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