Hasselback Potatoes

Hassbelback Potatoes, Accordion Potatoes or Fancy Schmancy Potatoes (I prefer this cute nickname), are absolutely gorgeous and…get this…they are incredibly easy to make. You wouldn’t think that just by looking at them, would you?

For all the history buffs out there, these potatoes were first introduced in the 1700s by a restaurant located in Stockholm named Hasselbacken. To this day, they are still prepared very similar to the original recipe; however, many like to play around with seasonings and garnishes. No matter what your preferences may be, these potatoes should turn out crisp on the outside and tender on the inside.

The next time baked potatoes are on your menu, you should definitely go the extra mile and prepare them accordion-style. The presentation can’t be beat and the texture makes them absolutely delicious.

Hasselback Potatoes

Ingredients (the quantity depends on the number of potatoes you decide to prepare):

  • Oval-shaped medium size potatoes (scrub them clean since the skin will be kept on)
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, chopped
  • Salt and pepper
  • Garnish, any one of the following items: dried basil, cooked bacon, rosemary, paprika, pesto sauce, herbed sour cream, cheeses, parsley, herbed bread crumbs, etc.


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees; prepare a baking sheet by placing aluminum foil over it.
  2. Take one potato and, starting at one end, make slits/cuts cut in the potato almost all the way through. If the potatoes tend to roll around, slice a thin layer off the base (prior to cutting the slits) to give the potatoes a flat bottom.
  3. Repeat with remaining potatoes.
  4. Brush olive oil and butter over the potatoes. Over each potato, sprinkle with garlic, salt and pepper.
  5. Arrange the potatoes on the baking sheet and place in the oven for 40-50 minutes or until the potatoes turn crispy and the inside is soft. Baste the potatoes with olive oil halfway through the bake time to make them extra crispy.

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  1. A variation of these I like very much is to make them on the grill in summer with some sliced onion and butter between the "accordion folds", wrapped in foil until done. Perfect with a steak or salmon.

  2. I've never seen this method but really think it looks awesome and fun. I am definitely going to try it next time I have potatoes for dinner. Nice way to spice up an old friend!

  3. Beth: You're right on that…these potatoes look gorgeous when served! That's too bad that they turned out undercooked. Next time, keep them in the oven for a bit longer. The cook time all depends on the size of the potatoes you're using. The bigger the potatoes, the longer the cook time needs to be. I hope that helps!

  4. The tip I have to slicing them is to put the potatoes in a wooden spoon (one of those long-loved beat up spoons, you know, the proper kitchen kind :p but they can take the knife marks okay if you're not HACKING at them) and hold it all down carefully while you cut. You still have to be careful, unless you have some kind of monster spoon, but it helps prevent you from slicing all the way through right in the middle of the potato.

  5. These look great..thinking of making them for Christmas day instead of roasties..do you think they would be okay to cook them the day before and then reheat them with a brush of butter on top ?? Great website by the way !

  6. Mine never spread open! What am I doing wrong?!?! I'm actually making them now and I have shoved little pieces of chopped garlic in the slits and hopefully that helps!
    Little tip, these taste AMAZING with Penzey's Northwoods Seasoning! Just substitute the salt and pepper (Northwoods has a little bit of salt in it and tastes so good it doesn't need any more!)

  7. ohgoodgolly I've been looking for a recipe for Hasselback Potatoes! I had those once long ago and I wanted another and another. I think they were made with a spicy tomato sauce so I will definitely give this one a try. Thanks for the recipe!
    I found you through Today's Creative Blog…cheers!

  8. insert a skewer thru the potato. about 1/2 inch from the bottom. This makes it easy to slice part way without going thru.

  9. Sorry to be picky but it was acctually invented in the 50´s bye a chef named Lars Elisson at a restaurant called Hasselbacken in Stockholm.


    The restaurant itself is from 1760.

    The swedish way to do them correctly is like this;
    Peel the potatoes(shall be "hard potatoes).
    Cut the slizes 2-3mm. Be careful that yo don´t cut through.
    The oven shall be 430 F(225C).
    Put the tray in the middle of the oven.
    Put salt and butter on them.
    After 25 minutes; more butter and then out some breadcrums on them.
    30 minutes later they are ready.
    ( I did them yesterday to sunday dinner.

    Kind regards from Stockholm, Sweden

  10. The way I prevent myself from cutting them all the way through is, place a chop stick on each side of the potato as you are cutting the slits. Chopsticks are the perfect size.

  11. The way I keep from cutting all the way through the potatoes is to insert a metal skewer below center. This makes the cuts all the same depth…

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