Chocolate and Oatmeal Cookies in a Jar

Chocolate and Oatmeal Cookies in a Jar

This past holiday season, my mom sent me a large box that was filled with countless mason jars complete with ingredients to make some of my favorite foods including soups and cookies. To me, this seemed like the perfect gift to give and receive so I recently decided to try out this fun food-related craft to see what I could create. In my version of these cookies in a jar, I decided to create Chocolate and Oatmeal Cookies.

Typically, these gifts are given around the holidays. However, they are also nice to give as hostess, “welcome to the neighborhood,” and teacher gifts. Family and friends always love receiving these jars filled with delicious recipes because not only are they beautiful to display on the counter, but they are also fun to bake.

Be sure to stop by my guest post on Mom It Forward where I share a recipe for Chocolate and Oatmeal Cookies in a Jar!

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  1. I’m looking for an easy chocolate chip pancake mix to put in mason jars for gifts. Would love to see what you might have! Thanks!

  2. Ilove to bake , My family is growing so fast I can’t bake enough ,so it will be easier to let them bake their own. The jar look so cute and I have plenty of them left from my canning days . Iam 83 yrs. and still enjoy looking for new receipes AND NEW IDEAS.


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