How To Prevent Dough from Sticking to Cookie Cutters

My mind is filled with the happiest of thoughts as I enjoy a warm cup of coffee and watch the first snowfall of the holiday season take place outside my window. Snow is so special to me. Growing up in Michigan, as a child it represented playfulness. When we saw the white flakes fall from the sky, we couldn’t wait to put on our snow gear and head outside to build a snowman. As I grew into an adult, snow was always there as a playful reminder.

There was a night in college where I found myself watching the snow fall with a friend who was from California. Having very little experience with snow, she mentioned that she never built a snowman. Once I got over the initial shock, I told her to put on snow gear and meet me outside. The hour was late but I was determined to introduce my friend to one of the best snow activities of all … the art of building a snowman. The snow brought out our inner child and I will forever remember that playful night in college.

One of my favorite moments that involved snow was the birth of my son. Born on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, once the room had quieted down a bit, I found myself holding my son and looking at him with sheer amazement. As I sat there in wonderment, a person in the room exclaimed, “It’s snowing!” With Christmas Eve came my son and the first snow fall of the season. I held my son extra tight and never wanted to let go of that moment. It’s moments like that one that I will cherish forever.

From childhood to adulthood, snow has always had a special place in my heart. It reminds me of my childhood home. It reminds me of my friends who I met in college. It reminds me of the birth of my son. This morning, we were sitting in the living room. With him in my lap, we were reading one of his favorite books and that’s when I looked out the window and witnessed the first snowfall of the season. I gave him a kiss on the top of the head and he looked up and smiled at me … yet another moment that I will cherish forever. Snow just keeps on delivering and I am forever thankful.

Looking ahead to the future, I cannot wait to watch my son play in the snow and learn the art of building a snowman. I know that our new home is the perfect place to introduce traditions. I also know that building a snowman will be one of our favorite winter traditions.


How do I keep the dough from sticking to my cookie cutter?


Fill a small bowl with all purpose flour. Before cutting the dough, dip the cookie cutter into the flour. Shake off the excess flour by lightly tapping the cutter on the side of the bowl. Cut the dough with the cookie cutter and repeat these steps as necessary. 

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