Entertaining Tip: White vs. Colorful Plates

Are you a white plate person or a colorful plate person? In my opinion, from photographing food to serving food, the use of white plates can help make a dish look appetizing and bring out a recipe’s best features. The blank canvas that a white plate provides simply allows the food to be the star.

If you have colorful food on top of a colorful plate, the eye will quickly become confused. With all of the textures, patterns, and colors, the eyes and taste buds will grow frustrated. Plus, a colorful plate has a tendency to dull the overall appearance of a dish. Go to any restaurant and you’ll notice that chefs and restauranteurs strongly believe in these theories as well. Think back to all of your dining out experiences. When was the last time you were served a meal on a colorful plate?

Don’t get me wrong. I have eaten and enjoyed plenty of meals on colorful plates. A recipe is a recipe. Food is food. It will taste the same no matter what plate is used. However, to many, food doesn’t get lost on a white plate.

If you’re thinking that a table full of white plates and platters is boring, well, you’re somewhat right. But think about this … what helps liven up the white color? The food. And there you have it … the star of the dinner party. You can also add flowers, a creative centerpiece, colorful place mats, and patterned napkins to help add color and depth to a dinner party table setting.

If you want to stock your kitchen with white plates, I suggest that you head to your local Home Goods or Marshalls. When we moved into our home in the fall, I came across a full set of white plates at Home Goods for an incredible price. I just about fell on the floor when I saw the price tab. Thankfully, I didn’t (can you imagine me falling down and breaking all of the plates? Not good.) Instead, I placed the box in my cart and continue to use the plates everyday (whether I’m feeding my family or entertaining guests). I’m hands-down a white plate person.

Do you prefer white or colorful plates?

Note: Click here for the Breakfast Sausage Sandwich recipe pictured in the photo above.

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