Leading Lines in Landscape Photography

When it comes to landscape photography, certain techniques can be applied to the composition of a photo that add an incredible amount of depth, perception, texture, and contrast. One of my favorite techniques that helps to achieve all of those great, photographic descriptions is the use of leading lines. So, what are they and how can you keep an eye out for them?

Using Leading Lines in Landscape Photography

What are leading lines?

Leading lines are lines within a photograph that lead the eye to another area of the photograph. Fences, bridges, and even a shoreline are all great items found within a landscape that help achieve the leading line affect within a photograph.

Why use leading lines?

Leading lines are one of the most basic ways to take a photograph from decent to engaging. By using this simple technique, you can create depth, help direct the viewer’s eye, enhance the contrast, and draw the eye to the subject of the photograph.

What do leading lines do?

When people view a photograph with leading lines, they usually pause, look longer at the photograph, and become totally immersed in the photographic moment. That’s what you want with your photographs, right?

What can be considered a leading line?

In landscape photography, there are items that scream “I’m a leading line” and there are items that are a bit more discrete. One thing is certain, always keep them in mind when photographing a landscape. From bridges to roads, rocks to trees, fences to bridges … leading line items are out there and can be found almost everywhere.


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