10 Favorite Things: Issue No. 6


I’m just sitting here enjoying my coffee while looking forward to a quiet weekend at home as we play with our son, cook out, enjoy wine, and do a bit of housework. Ever since I receive this printer for my birthday, I’ve been addicted to printing photos and putting them in albums.

I just finished printing photos and placing them in my son’s “Year One” book. I’m halfway through printing his “Year Two” photos. I’m hoping to finish up that task this weekend. It’s been so fun going through all of the photos and watching him grow and become the little man that he is today.

What are your plans for the weekend?

10 Favorite Things

1.) I’m in love with this printer. It has totally helped me get my digital photos printed and in albums. I could not be more excited. This has been my major project this past week.

2.) If you haven’t watched this yet, then stop what you’re doing and click on this link. Adele is amazing. End of story.

3.) This is, by far, one of my favorite posts that I have published to date.

4.) What’s your favorite movie? These are five of my faves.

5.) Our son is becoming quite the talker which has been so fun to witness. One of my favorite things to do is lie in bed in the morning and listen to him talk to himself and then text my husband (since he’s already at work) the phrases that he says. It is seriously the cutest thing.

6.) It’s a rainy day today. Here are some of my favorite rainy day must-haves.

7.) What’s the favorite recipe on my site? Well, if you’re in the mood for Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies, then be sure to make this recipe. It’s a reader favorite.

8.) I receive this kitchen tool for Christmas and I seriously cannot get enough of them. I love them so much. Here are some of my favorite kitchen tools.

9.) I’m all about jeans and a t-shirt. I’m loving this look.

10.) I think I’m falling in love with using a slow cooker. I stumbled across this jambalaya recipe a few days ago and I made it this week. Oh. My. Word. As my husband said, “This is a staple.”

Bonus (because my son just did it and it reminded me of it): Our son loves to clean (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree). He finds crumbs, picks them up, walks over to the trash can, and throws them away. He also just grabbed the coasters and put them in one neat pile on the table. So awesome. Start them young, right?

Son’s Favorite Thing (he’s two): He loves these cotton puff balls / poms poms that I picked up at Michaels the other day. It’s so cute to watch him toss, sort, and clean up. For only a couple bucks, we have a toy that will keep him entertained and educated. Win-win.

What’s your favorite thing from the past week?

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