5 Reasons to Schedule Me Time

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We’re always so busy. Busy, busy, busy. From running around on errands to answering work emails to taking care of kids … we are all pulled in a million different directions day in and day out. From the moment the alarm or baby monitor makes a noise to the moment the head hits the pillow at night, days can be filled with so many activities, needs, wants, emotions, responsibilities, tasks, etc.

So, how can you squeeze in “me time” in a day or week? Here are simple ways to do just that.

With the on-the-go, busy lifestyle, it can be easy to forget about ourselves. But, tuning into yourself has so many benefits.

schedule me time

5 Reasons to Schedule “Me Time”

1.) You’ll have better focus.

Having “me time” will allow you to decompress, get rid of some stress, relax for a bit, and get back to the everyday life with a clearer mind. People can become so stressed and hardly ever find time to focus. Minds are running a mile a minute as fingers type a mile a minute. Unplug, forget the to do list for a few minutes, and focus on the present.

2.) You’ll recharge your mind and body.

Are you dragging your feet? Are you feeling incredibly tired? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Take some me time. People need a break from the everyday stress and tasks. If you’re feeling a bit down or sluggish, you need to recharge your batter (aka your mind and body). Whether me time is alone time (e.g. reading a book, watching a movie, getting your nails done) or spending time with friends (e.g., getting coffee, working out, going to a movie), having me time will help fill your battery.

3.) You’ll give back to your family.

How can you offer your best if you’re not at your best? I have a two-year-old. I get the whole tired thing. For two years, I hardly ever focused on myself and I noticed that I was starting to feel a bit lost. I was giving, giving, and giving. But, never was I taking any me time for myself because I thought it was selfish and not possible as a mom. One day, it finally hit me. I looked in the mirror and was starting to not recognize the person looking back at me. I finally took some me time and realized just how much it set me up for success for my family. Be  your best self by not only caring for your family, but also caring for yourself.

4.) You’ll be more productive.

Because everyday lives are so full of to do lists, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. Once you have a chance to remove yourself a bit and take a breather, you’ll start to think with a clear mind. You’ll become more energized, motivated, and productive. You’ll feel revitalized and ready to hit the ground running.

5.) You’ll enjoy self discovery.

When it comes to me time, it’s a great opportunity to find something you love to do. What’s your favorite hobby? By enjoying a hobby during me time, you’ll be able to embrace your creative side, develop a skill, have fun, enjoy a stress-free activity, and feel a sense of accomplishment. If you’re trying to think of a new hobby, here are simple ways to find a new hobby to help get you started.

self care

What do you love most about me time?

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