Friday Find: Favorite Kitchen Tools

Food Photography Props. Ceramics And Kitchen Equipment On Shelves

When I first started cooking, I had a lot of gadgets and tools. But, over the years as I have refined by baking and cooking techniques, I realized that there are certain items in my kitchen that I use more often than any other items.

Yes, the unique and quirky gadgets and tools are fun. But, a baking or cooking session without my nesting bowls just isn’t the same. These items, found below, are my trusty sidekicks when it comes to preparing meals and functioning properly in the kitchen.

Friday Find: Favorite Kitchen Tools

Here are some of my favorite kitchen tools under $30:


  1. Crate&Barrel 5-Piece Nesting Bowls – I love this item because there a bowl size for every need. Plus, you can use them to mix or use them to serve. These bowls are beautiful and versatile.
  2. Mason Jar Salt and Pepper Shakers – Why keep salt and pepper in their store bought packages? Fancy them up with these super cute shakers.
  3. Glass Storage Jars – I love glass storage jars. They are simple and beautiful. I don’t like to keep things on my counter. But, when I do have food to display, I like to display the food in glass jars. Oh, I also like to keep sugar and flour in glass storage jars in the pantry too.
  4. Olive Wooden Spoon – Everyone needs a wooden spoon. It’s one of my favorite tools in the kitchen.
  5. French Press – Have you ever had a cup of French press coffee? It’s simple to prepare and the taste of the coffee is downright amazing.
  6. NaturalStone Baking Dish – I use this baking dish all the time. End of story.
  7. White Soap Dispenser  – Instead of setting the store bought soap dispenser on the kitchen counter, I like to fill my white soap dispenser. Using a nice soap dispenser helps tie in the look of the kitchen and keep things neat and orderly.

What’s your favorite kitchen tool?

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