Friday Find: 15 End of Summer Must-Have Clothes

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Did I really just type “end of summer” in the title? Oh my word. Where in the heck has the summer gone? In the blink of an eye, we now have less than a month until the first day of fall. Wow. Yes, less than a month.

So, how are you going to make the most of the rest of the summer? We’ve been hanging out on our screened-in porch, swimming, going to the park, enjoying special treats, going on walks, and trying to squeeze every ounce of fun out of summer that we can possible get. To check out all of the fun we’ve been having, be sure to visit my Instagram account. Oh, and let’s be Instagram friends while we’re at it!

Is the weather still hot, hot, hot where you live? The temperature in Maryland has been out of control hot. From hot muggy days to beautiful thunderstorms, we’ve had quite the summer the past few weeks. It doesn’t look like the temperature is going to get any less hot anytime soon.

15 Must-Have End of Summer Clothes

Even though I feel like wearing a bathing suit pretty much every day (hello, 25 weeks of pregnancy … starting to feel a little huge), I found some great must-have end of summer clothes that I would love to have and wear over the next few weeks.

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What’s your favorite summer clothing item?

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