10 Pandora Stations for Your Next Party

10 Pandora Stations for Your Next Party

When it comes to entertaining, we pretty much always have music playing in the background. And, oftentimes, we like to turn it up a bit and have a dance party. Almost every night my son and I have a dance party in our living room? Why? Because it’s so fun to dance, jump, and bounce around with our son. He loves to dance and I can’t help but join him.

We usually change up the music throughout the party to fit the vibe of what’s taking place. If we’re hanging out on our porch, then we usually have some chill playing in the background. When it comes to dinnertime, we turn on songs by artists like Frank Sinatra to bring on the ultimate dinner vibe.

Over the past year, we have fallen head over heels in love with our Amazon Echo. We even bought an Amazon Dot for our basement and for my office. Yes, I know that these devices can perform a lot of other functions. But, the main function we use them for is music. Lots and lots of music. Music all day every day. We hardly ever not have music playing in our house. It’s just our thing.

This is totally not an ad … let’s just say that if you’re looking for a great device, turn to the Amazon Echo. After being at our house, my parents returned home and purchased an Echo. When my brother and sister-in-law returned home, they immediately purchased an Amazon Echo. My in-laws are now talking about getting an Amazon Echo. They are just the neatest devices that can do so much and have amazing sound quality. #endsoapboxrant

So, where was I … oh right, different types of music. Instead of having the stress of making a playlist for every get together we have, we just ask our Echo to play Pandora stations.

10 Pandora Stations for Your Next Party

What I found lately is that I’ve been stuck in a rut. When I go to turn on music, I find that I’m playing the same music over and over again. So, I set out to find some great Pandora stations that give off a great vibe. As it turns out, they are great for a cocktail party or any gathering for that matter. However, it all depends on the mood and atmosphere.

So, without further adieu, here are 10 great Pandora stations that are perfect for your next party:

Blues BBQ

I think the name pretty much says it all. B.B. King, Eric Clapton, and Stevie Ray Vaughan are the superstars of this Pandora station. The music keeps the summer vibe going all year round.

Brunch Cafe

Who doesn’t love brunch? Why not invite Ingrid Michaelson, Norah Jones, and Etta James to brunch? The station is full of melodic songs that pair perfectly with your mimosas.

Classic Soul BBQ Radio

Let’s face it, this is just feel good music. The beat is on point, the artists are classics, and the songs might even get you up and get you dancing. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?

Cool Jazz

You’re bound to hear the greats like Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Dave Brubeck when you play this Pandora station. The station keeps the gathering feeling light and casual.

Frank Sinatra Radio

As I mentioned earlier, playing this station while eating will give off the perfect dinner vibe. The greats like Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Sammy Davis will fill the air with all sorts of memorable songs.

French Cooking Music

The music on this station is very mellow yet welcoming. You could play this music as people are arriving to your dinner party and/or while they are enjoying appetizers and cocktails. The station gives off a laid back, casual, yet fancy vibe (thanks to the French).

Hipster Cocktail Party

Honestly, the name of this station is kind of ridiculous so don’t judge a book by its cover. Trust me. Bill Withers, Nina Simone, Van Morrison, and Ray LaMontagne are some regulars you’ll find on this station. The music on this station is somewhat mellow but can also be a bit peppier at times. It’s definitely a good mix.

Summer Hits of the 90s

The name says it all. Come on, we can have some fun, right?

U2 Radio

I’m putting this radio station on the list because my husband loves it. He always has it playing whether or not we’re having people over to our house. The station plays a good mix of 90s and 80s music that many people will recognize, appreciate, and enjoy.

Yacht Rock Radio

Disregard the name of this station. It’s nothing like what it sounds. The station is awesome. Think Doobie Brothers and Hall & Oates. See? Awesome.

What are your favorite Pandora stations?

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  1. Hip hop BBQ! You’re not surprised! But seriously good old school hip hop :) but I love these other suggestions I can’t wait to try cause we also always have music playing on our echo #twins

  2. Global Chill Radio. You won’t know any of the songs at first, but it will grow on you. Chill house-DJ music–great for mild dancing and your friends will be impressed you know of such “underground” good tunes. :-)

    • Seatrain Radio. Jazz to Rock with songs like Flute Thing, Melissa, Low Spark of High Heeled Boys. Leon Russel, Dave Mason, Eric Clapton. Sounds of the Seventies. If. You don’t dance, you will have happy feet.

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