5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Tradewinds Tea as part of the Mom It Forward Influencer Network. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thanks to our fast-paced, on-the-go way of living, it can be easy to get over-stressed, overwhelmed, and over-caffeinated. We can often skip over self-care as we tend to kids, house projects, work deadlines, pets, etc. But, it’s important to focus on you.

When you take care of yourself, you can take care of others better. One of the best ways to start taking care of yourself is to create a relaxing environment and #MomentstoSavor. When your environment is relaxing, you’ll notice that your stress levels will decrease creating an overall better feeling physically and mentally.

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment

Self-care doesn’t have to be a trip to the spa (although that would be nice). You can create a relaxing environment at home so that you can enjoy me time whenever you can, even if just for a few minutes during the day. Here are simple ways to create a relaxing environment.

1. Make Your Space Aesthetically Pleasing

Does your space reflect you and your tastes? Spending time in a spot that doesn’t coincide with you and your décor preferences could make you feel a bit anxious. For example, I’m all about natural light, rustic décor, and a neutral design palette. Place me in a spot with harsh lighting and bright colors and I’ll probably start to feel a bit anxious. Make your space reflect you and your style to create a home that is relaxing.

2. Clean Your Space

A messy space is one that can seem chaotic, which will only increase your stress levels. Cleaning your space might seem a bit overwhelming at first. But, taking small steps every day to help declutter and organize your space will help you reach the goal of having a clean space. Here’s a post that share 50 items to throw away or donate for a clutter-free home. Remember, small steps will lead to big changes in your overall health.

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

3. Bring Nature Inside

The next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up a bouquet of flowers. The bouquets are usually inexpensive and sometimes come in very large varieties that you can spread throughout your home. Or, if you’re at the home improvement store, stop by the garden section and grab a few succulents. Succulents are amazing little plants because: 1) They are simple and beautiful, 2) they are easy to care for (see care instructions here), and 3) they are small enough to easily be placed in pretty containers like mason jars, baskets, and wood boxes.

Bringing nature inside will help freshen up your space while providing the perfect pop of color to awaken your senses.

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

4.) Make Your Favorite Foods and Beverages Easily Accessible

How can you relax when your tummy is grumbling or you’re thirsty? I love keeping fruit in a basket on the counter so that I can easily slice up an apple or a pear. One of my favorite beverages to always have on hand is sweet tea. Ever since moving to the D.C. area, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with sweet tea. Sitting down with a few slices of fruit and a mason jar filled with Tradewinds Tea Sweet Tea helps me relax as I refuel my body. The tea has the perfect amount of sweetness to keep my taste buds happy. If you’re a fan of tea, give Tradewinds Tea a taste to see why it’s my go to beverage throughout the day.

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

5. Find a Scent You Love and Spray It Throughout the House

One of my favorite scents is lavender. The scent is known for calming senses and creating a mood of relaxation. Recently, I took my lavender essential oil and made a lavender linen spray that I love to spray throughout our home. From couches to sheets to the carpet, spraying this calming spray throughout our home not only freshens up the space but also creates a sense of calm.

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Environment + DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray

DIY Lavender Linen Spray


  • 3 ounces of distilled water
  • 1 ounce of witch hazel
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil


  • Measuring cup with a spout
  • 1 4-ounce glass spray bottle
  • Labels


  1. Pour the distilled water and witch hazel into the measuring cup.
  2. Add the drops of lavender essential oil to the water and witch hazel mixture.
  3. Mix all of the ingredients together.
  4. Pour the mixture into the glass bottle and put the top on the glass bottle
  5. Add a label to the spray bottle.
  6. Spray throughout your home.

What’s your favorite way to create a relaxing environment?

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Tradewinds Tea as part of the Mom It Forward Influencer Network. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  1. […] One of my favorite scents is lavender. The scent is known for calming senses and creating a mood of relaxation. Recently, I took my lavender essential oil and made a lavender linen spray that I love to spray throughout our home. From couches to sheets to the carpet, spraying this calming spray throughout our home not only freshens up the space but also creates a sense of calm. Click here to find out how to make your own DIY Essential Oil Lavender Linen Spray. […]

  2. […] Einer meiner Lieblingsdüfte ist Lavendel. Der Duft ist dafür bekannt, die Sinne zu beruhigen und eine entspannende Stimmung zu schaffen. Vor kurzem habe ich mein ätherisches Lavendelöl genommen und ein Lavendel-Leinenspray hergestellt, das ich gerne in unserem ganzen Haus sprühe. Vom Sofa über die Bettdecke bis zum Teppich sorgt das Sprühen dieses beruhigenden Sprays in unserem gesamten Haus nicht nur für eine Auffrischung des Raums, sondern schafft auch ein Gefühl der Ruhe. Klicken Sie hier, um herauszufinden, wie Sie Ihre eigenen erstellen können DIY ätherisches Öl Lavendel Leinen Spray. […]

  3. […] Einer meiner Lieblingsdüfte ist Lavendel. Der Duft ist dafür bekannt, die Sinne zu beruhigen und eine entspannende Stimmung zu schaffen. Vor kurzem habe ich mein ätherisches Lavendelöl genommen und ein Lavendel-Leinenspray hergestellt, das ich gerne in unserem ganzen Haus sprühe. Vom Sofa über die Bettdecke bis zum Teppich sorgt das Sprühen dieses beruhigenden Sprays in unserem gesamten Haus nicht nur für eine Auffrischung des Raums, sondern schafft auch ein Gefühl der Ruhe. Klicken Sie hier, um herauszufinden, wie Sie Ihre eigenen erstellen können DIY ätherisches Öl Lavendel Leinen Spray. […]

  4. […] Einer meiner Lieblingsdüfte ist Lavendel. Der Duft ist dafür bekannt, die Sinne zu beruhigen und eine entspannende Stimmung zu schaffen. Vor kurzem habe ich mein ätherisches Lavendelöl genommen und ein Lavendel-Leinenspray hergestellt, das ich gerne in unserem ganzen Haus sprühe. Vom Sofa über die Bettdecke bis zum Teppich sorgt das Sprühen dieses beruhigenden Sprays in unserem gesamten Haus nicht nur für eine Auffrischung des Raums, sondern schafft auch ein Gefühl der Ruhe. Klicken Sie hier, um herauszufinden, wie Sie Ihre eigenen erstellen können DIY ätherisches Öl Lavendel Leinen Spray. […]

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