The Best Food Storage Containers

The Best Food Storage Containers

So, you just finished dinner and you’re getting ready to do the dishes. You notice that you have leftover food that would be great to enjoy either for lunch or dinner the following day. You open the cupboard and start sifting through all of your plastic food storage containers. The next thing you know, you’re up to your elbows in tops and bottoms that don’t match. And then, voila. You found a matching pair. Now you have to try and put everything back into the cupboard in some type of organized way.

Does this sound familiar?

That was me a year ago. For years and years, I struggled with trying to keep our plastic food storage containers organized and easy to navigate. No matter what system I tried, I never seemed to figure out a solution that would work in the long term. Yes, the system would remain organized for a few days. But, the next thing you know, the following week the cupboard would look like a hot mess.

I take pride in having cupboards that are completely organized. Yes, I’m strange like that. So, you can imagine how frustrated I was with the plastic food storage container cupboard. I was pretty embarrassed whenever we had guests over for dinner and they saw the cabinet while helping with the dishes. Yikes.

I knew there had to be a solution.

And then that’s when I stumbled across my favorite solution …

The Best Food Storage Containers

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*click to purchase these amazing containers*

Do the containers pictured above remind you of takeout? I swear, these plastic food storage container have been a game changer. We bought a package of the black containers while we were at Costco about a year ago. My life has been forever changed for the better.

I keep the bottoms in one neat stack and the tops in another neat stack. The containers all the same size so they are easily stackable. Plus, they are dishwasher-safe, microwave-safe, oven-safe, and BPA-free. We are a year in with our set and they are still going strong thanks to the sturdy plastic. We use these containers for leftovers, packed lunches, etc. You can even use them for your weekly meal prep session. The possibilities are endless.

So, there you have it. I’m completely in love with these plastic food storage containers. Open up my cupboard and you’ll see two nice and neat stacks of the gems. Since getting rid of my other plastic food storage containers, I never waste time looking for tops and bottoms that match. I just quickly grab a top and a bottom and am good to go.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliated links. Photo via Unsplash.

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